Vampire Pizza is back at Pizzeria Stella

Oct 1, 2021 | In The District

Get Trick-or-Treated with food, fun, & prizes delivered all-in-one to your door.

How Vampire Pizza Works:

1. EAT

Vampire Pizza has partnered with Pizzeria Stella to deliver a whole new kind of immersive food experience directly to your door.


Each meal becomes a 60-minute interactive Halloween mission full of surprises to play and win. With 1 – 6 players you can battle demons or join the vampire revolution.

3. WIN

Prizes aren’t just for kids’ meals anymore. Conquer a #GetTrickOrTreated mission and win a bonus prize delivered to you instantly. Will your mystery delivery be an awesome treat or a memorably spooky trick?

[Read more & reserve your pizza box today] »
